HEI releases inspection report on Southern General Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
The Healthcare Environment Inspectorate has published its report relating to an inspection visits to Southern General Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde on the 8th and 9th March 2010.
HEI has been set up to help reduce healthcare associated infection risk to patients through a rigorous inspection framework.
The HEI inspection team examined NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde self-assessment information and then inspected the hospital to validate this information, meet patients and staff, and visit wards and departments.
During the visits, the inspection team also assessed the hospital’s physical environment for issues related to healthcare associated infection.
The findings from the visits are set out below, and cover two requirements (which are linked to compliance with NHS Quality Improvement Scotland healthcare associated infection standards) that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is fully expected to address, plus six recommendations for improvement.
Speaking of the report, Susan Brimelow, HEI Chief Inspector, said: “The Inspection team observed some good practice at Southern General Hospital with clear arrangements evident for leading and managing infection control. The hospital staff were also able to show inspectors how they looked after patients with a suspected infection. However inspectors also identified a small number of concerns and identified two requirements which highlight the need to improve maintenance and cleaning of the hospital environment.
“The report also identifies six recommendations for improvement and we fully expect the report’s requirements and recommendations, which have been agreed by senior staff at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, will be addressed and the necessary improvements made as a matter of priority.”
The full HEI inspection report and an improvement action plan developed by NHS Borders to address the identified issues are available to view at: www.nhshealthquality.org/nhsqis/7432.htm
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