HEI report critical of Borders hospital hygiene procedures
Borders General Hospital in Melrose has been told to tighten up its infection control procedures, following a highly critical report into hygiene by the Healthcare Environment Inspectorate (HEI).
The HEI carried out unannounced inspections in the theatres of Borders General Hospital on 13 and 14 May, and found bloodstained mops and “surgeons with blood contaminated boots in the corridor following a surgical procedure”.
Jacqui Macrae, head of quality of care at HEI, said: “Overall, our inspectors found that NHS Borders demonstrated varying compliance with the standards to protect patients, staff and visitors from the risk of acquiring an infection.
“Further improvement is required in a number of areas, particularly in relation to staff following standard infection control precautions. For example, staff should ensure that all equipment used for cleaning the theatre environment is cleaned following each use and is stored appropriately.”
The report has made the following Priority 1 Requirements, which have to be addressed immediately by the Trust:
- Ensure staff decontaminate their hands in accordance with Health Protection Scotland’s National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (2015). Staff compliance with these hand hygiene practices must also be effectively monitored
- Ensure all staff use personal protective equipment in-line with Health Protection Scotland’s National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (2015)
- Ensure all contaminated mop heads are managed in line with the Health Protection Scotland’s National InfectionPrevention and Control Manual (2015)
- Ensure all staff within the theatre department manage blood spillages appropriately, as described in Health Protection Scotland’s National Infection Prevention andControl Manual (2015)
- Ensure all staff responsible for cleaning the theatres, follow the correct cleaning methods
- Ensure all equipment used for cleaning the theatre environment is cleaned following each use and is stored appropriately. This will minimise the risk of cross-infection and cross-contamination within the department
- Ensure equipment used within the theatre department is free from damage and can be effectively cleaned
Responding to the report, the director of nursing and midwifery at NHS Borders, Evelyn Rodger, said: “Feedback from the Inspectors indicated a number of instances where policies and procedures were not being correctly followed, in particular in relation to cleaning methods.
“In these instances our standards fell below those expected by our patients and staff, and I would like to stress that staff from theatres and beyond took immediate action to address the issues that were pointed out to us during the inspection, which is acknowledged within the report.
“All inspections are a snapshot of a point in time, and provide learning opportunities for us. As an organisation we responded immediately to the findings.
(Image: Borders General Hospital c. Walter Baxter)
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