Right-wingers criticise NHS use of porn
A right-wing think tank, 2020health, has carried out an investigation into the use of porn by the NHS in its fertility clinics.
The author of the report, Juliet Manning, found that over a third of the NHS trusts she surveyed were supplying porn to male sperm donors.
She then went on criticise the practice, which she asserted went against the NHS’s ‘categorical duty of the NHS to promote healthy attitudes towards body and mind’.
In the report, Who Said Porn Was Acceptable in the Workplace, she said: The rationale for the use of pornography in a fertility clinic is that where a man needs to provide a sample of sperm, he needs the assistance of pornographic images to do so. This is patently untrue.
“This is verified by the fact that although we found the statistic of 36 per cent of NHS
fertility clinics supplying pornography, conversely 64 per cent of them do not. There is no evidence that the latter cannot obtain any specimens.”
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