Too many elderly people ‘soldier on’ – NHS England
NHS England has launched a new campaign to reduce unnecessary hospital stays by treating minor health problems earlier.
‘The Earlier, The Better’, is targeted particularly at older people, who often present later when conditions are more serious and are harder to treat. They should use self-care information and community pharmacy more to deal with minor health problems, the campaign suggest.
The public awareness drive will be running for eight weeks, online, on radio and through posters.
Professor Keith Willett, NHS England’s director for acute care, said: “We see in our hospitals so many people who have not had or sought the help they need early enough. We have to do better at helping people stay well, not just picking up the pieces when they fall seriously ill.
“Too many people make the mistake of soldiering on, losing the opportunity to nip things in the bud. Unfortunately this can lead to an unnecessary stay in hospital, particularly for the more frail elderly and those with long-term conditions.
“The message ‘the earlier, the better’ is crucial for our patients. The NHS has not spent enough time broadcasting that message in the past. I would urge the public to listen and act: it’s the right thing to do for you and the NHS.”
Dr Peter Carter, chief executive & general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, commented: “We know that patients are keen to receive this support and do not want to make unnecessary visits to accident and emergency departments, which are currently under severe pressure.
“However, too often there is insufficient information to help patients understand their appropriate care options and inadequate provision of alternative services for them to access.”
He added that better investment in the services that enable self-care was essential.
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