Your local firefighter now also available for health checks
Elderly people and vulnerable patients with complex conditions will be regularly checked on by the firefighters as part of a new multi-agency deal between NHS England, Public Health England, the Local Government Association (LGA) and Age UK.
They have established a new “working relationship” to integrate services as a way to improve the quality of life of those who could benefit from health checks.
Jacquie White, NHS England’s deputy director for people with long-term conditions, said fire brigades are keen to carry out more health visits in households with complex needs and increased risk of fire. They will be working off a local list of health interventions and may direct people who need help from health or care services.
White is convinced that fire & rescue services are a “health necessity” and strongly linked to the NHS due to overlapping risk factors between the two bodies which increase their demand – such as multi-morbidity, cognitive impairment, smoking, drugs, alcohol, physical inactivity, obesity, cold homes and loneliness.
Since the fire services already carry over 670,000 home safety checks a year, NHS England will be looking into enhancing these usually basic risk checks by including health interventions, like hearing tests, basic sight tests, discussing heating options, immunisation and brief interventions, and directing people to further support services.
It is unclear how the new model will be sustained considering the 28% of funding cuts in the UK fire service budget forecast for this current parliament – set to open up £17.5m funding gap by 2020.
A joint statement between NHS England, the Chief Fire Officers Association, PHE, LGA and Age UK will be published soon along with a draft of case studies and design principles for “safe and well” visits.
(Top image c. AndrewHA, London Fire Brigade)