

Health system offered free of charge to assist coronavirus efforts

Words provided by Marketing Metrix, editorially reviewed by National Health Executive

Assisting government efforts to combat the current coronavirus outbreak, data science consultancy Marketing Metrix is offering their recently launched health and wellbeing data product Vigor to government departments and public health bodies free of charge.

Vigor will allow those using it to more easily target the UK’s most vulnerable citizens with assistance during the Covid-19 crisis.

The database covers the entire UK and includes detailed information on the health and wellbeing of specific groups, such as those with Type 2 diabetes, smokers and those with restricted mobility.

It is being made available with the aim of helping government organisations improve targeting of services for those most at risk as a result of the pandemic.

Vigor was developed by Marketing Metrix’s statisticians and features detailed information about consumers’ relationships with health and vitality.

Marketing Metrix’s founder and CEO, Bill Portlock, has said he believes Vigor data can strengthen government efforts to assist those most in need.

He said: “Lots of businesses have come forward offering help to the government as it seeks to protect the most vulnerable people in our society.

“Vigor is a powerful new health-related segmentation tool that identifies all aspects of consumers’ relationships with health and wellbeing. It provides an overall understanding of how individuals interact with and aim to improve their current and future health, physical activity, eating habits and body maintenance.”

“We’ve seen news coverage about the government seeking ways to better target those who are most in need of support with regard to the pandemic and we thought it was only right that we offer to augment existing public health data with the in-depth information available through Vigor.”

Vigor was developed to be used across most industry sectors, including health, beauty, FMCG, retail, leisure and government organisations.


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