

NHS England launches PreP consultation

NHS England has launched a 45-day public consultation on a proposed clinical commissioning policy on Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV.

The organisation has concluded that there is “sufficient evidence” to support a proposal for routine commissioning of the service for sub groups of adults at high risk of HIV acquisition. This comes after NHS England had controversially said it would no longer commission the drug, as it fell within local government’s remit.

Earlier this month, however, Mr Justice Green of the High Court overturned NHS England’s argument on the grounds that it does have the power to commission PrEP under section 2 of the National Health Service Act 2006.

Following the ruling, NHS England had said that a legal ruling against its decision to stop commissioning the HIV prevention treatment PrEP had meant it could no longer confirm funding for other specialised services.

The organisation also said it would appeal against the High Court’s ruling in favour of an application by the National AIDS Trust (NAT) for judicial review of the decision to not include PrEP in the Clinical Priorities Advisory Group (CPAG) commissioning prioritisation process.

After launching the consultation, NHS England said it now wishes to test its policy proposal further with wider groups of stakeholders.

“Please note that this consultation is being run without prejudice to the outcome of an appeal following a judicial review,” the organisation added.


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