

Redwood paper ‘inaccurate’ on Dilnot proposals – DH

Despite suggestions that the Government is now to endorse and fund Andrew Dilnot’s social care recommendations, a Conservative MP has called for the plans to be abandoned.

John Redwood has written a paper, published by the Centre for Social Policy, which criticises the Dilnot proposals. He suggests the Coalition would struggle to pay for the scheme, which would only protect the inheritances of better-off families.

The Department of Health responded by labelling the paper “inaccurate and misleading”.

Dilnot said the plans give people “control over their lives at a time when they're vulnerable and need that control.”

And a spokesman for the DH said: “The Redwood analysis in this report is inaccurate and misleading on a number of counts, using data incorrectly and making no distinction between care costs and living costs.

“In addition, it is misguided to say that the Dilnot Commission's model is about protecting inheritances. It is about helping to remove the fear and uncertainty caused by the risk of very high care costs, that people currently cannot insure themselves against.

“The principles of the Dilnot Commission's model are the right thing to do if a way to pay for it can be found.”

Richard Humphries of the King's Fund responded to Redwood’s paper and said: “I think if you worked all your life and all you had was a £70,000 home, then the thought of losing it in care costs is terrifying. John Redwood appears to be advocating a US-style model with not much of a safety net.”

Age UK director Michelle Mitchell added: “At the moment individuals face catastrophic risk. They can work hard all their lives and if they need care – and that's often care with eating, with feeding, with supporting the care home – they can see all that they have worked for wiped away.”

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