Views sought on tougher measures to crack down on conflicts of interest
Greater measures to crack down on conflicts of interest amongst commissioners have been proposed in a new consultation, which will serve to inform refreshed NHS England guidance on the issue.
The measures were developed by a Task and Finish Group chaired by Professor Sir Malcolm Grant, who is also the chair of NHS England.
In his introduction to the consultation, Sir Malcolm said that conflicts of interest in the NHS are “institutionalised in some contexts” as the service becomes increasingly reliant on “partnership and collaboration”.
For example, CCGs create an overlap between clinical and commissioning roles, whilst the increased focus on research in the NHS means clinical staff are working more closely with universities and companies.
The consultation says “a system-wide response” is needed to tackle the growing problem of conflicts of interest, which has been highlighted in major reports such as the Carter Review.
The proposals include limits on the value of gifts and hospitality that staff can accept from patients, and requirements to declare sponsorship for events, posts and research. For the first time, all clinical staff will also have to declare all private practice they engage in.
Under the proposals, it will be left to individual organisations to draw up a policy on how breaches of the policy are investigated and staff are sanctioned if necessary.
However, organisations should publish anonymised information about breaches and how they have been dealt with in a prominent place on their website.
Sir Malcolm urged NHS staff to take part in the consultation.
“The public expect the highest standards of behaviour in the NHS, but we know there are times when the NHS has failed to meet this expectation,” he said.
“We have a responsibility to use the £110bn healthcare budget provided by the taxpayer to the best effect possible for patients, with integrity, and free from undue influence. Spending decisions in healthcare should never be influenced by thoughts of private gain.
“We want to hear from as wide a range of people and organisations as possible so they can help us bring greater transparency, and clearer guidelines for staff in a way that will benefit taxpayers, patients and the health service.”
Clare Marx, president of the Royal College of Surgeons, added: “Patients rightly have a huge amount of trust in the medical profession and this guidance will help doctors to think about any potential conflicts of interest and help them to act appropriately at all times.”
The six-week consultation is open until 31 October. To take part, click here.
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