NHS IT, Records and Data


New £500m digital workplace framework launched by NHS SBS

A new procurement framework developed by NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) has been launched to assist NHS and public sector organisations to purchase cost-effective IT solutions, potentially saving an estimated £75m.

The Digital Workplace Solutions Framework offers consumer-orientated technologies across a complete range of software and IT infrastructure areas from 28 well-established public sector suppliers, who have been carefully-selected to best meet the framework users’ needs.

Due to run until August 2022 (with an optional two-year extension through to 2024), the framework has an estimated value of £500m. With average indicative savings of 15% compared with buying direct from a supplier at list price, the framework represents a potential £75m cost saving for the public sector.

The new framework replaces the popular Link: IT Solutions Framework and provides an agreement which public bodies, such as NHS trusts, clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), universities, police and local authorities can utilise to access a simple, compliant route to market for high-quality IT solutions.

The agreement is free-to-access and includes everything from servers, storage, networking, security and data centre infrastructure through to end user computing devices, desktop operating systems, enterprise software and professional services.

The Digital Workplace Solutions Framework also represents a quick and effective way to procure enterprise license agreements developed specifically for the NHS, such as N365 and other nationally-negotiated public sector deals.

READ MORE: NHS SBS framework launched to help safe return of employees

READ MORE: New NHS SBS framework to help protect NHS against cyber threats

Phil Davies, Director of Procurement at NHS SBS, said: “This new framework has been developed to build on the success of our previous Link: IT Solutions agreement, which was very well used by the NHS and wider public sector.

“It provides ease and peace of mind for organisations looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to meet their software and IT needs.

“As remote working has become commonplace due to Covid-19, the launch of the Digital Workplace Solutions Framework means public sector organisations can access technologies like VPN remote access and virtual desktops, which can be needed to mobilise home working securely and effectively.

“The framework has been carefully-negotiated to ensure it covers the widest range of infrastructure, hardware and software, whilst saving valuable time and resource for NHS and other public sector organisations.”

The Digital Workplace Solutions Framework is fully OJEU compliant and all 28 awarded suppliers meet necessary standards, including Cyber Essentials. It permits spot buying, mini competitions and provides best value pricing and negotiated terms.

Public bodies can access the framework to purchase a bundled solution of IT products and services, which may include elements from several of the different categories available.

The new Digital Workplace Solutions framework is part of a growing portfolio of digital and IT agreements managed by NHS SBS, including Link: Hardware, Cloud Solutions, Cyber Security Services, IT Consultancy and Healthcare Clinical Information Systems.

More information on the new framework can be found at www.sbs.nhs.uk/fas-digital-workplace-solutions or by emailing: nsbs.digital@nhs.net


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