A new approach to how we record patient’s whereabouts and clinical information will help clinicians and other health professionals save hours of time.
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust created an electronic patient list which kept track of patient movement from ward to ward and complied all necessary information in one place. This resulted in reduced length of stay and furthermore freed up bed space for others in need.
Digital innovations within a health setting can transpire in many ways but by digitising the patient list, more time, money and lives can be saved.
“We were losing to the system. Said Dr Narayan. “We just didn’t know where [patients] were at any given moment.”
You can read the full article here: Digitally transforming the patient list by Dr Nithin Narayan, Consultant in Acute Medicine and Clinical Lead for the Patient List Project, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust and Dr Huw Skiplorne, Junior Doctor, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust