The process of continuing healthcare within the NHS can be a lengthy process which most families who are supporting a loved one with dementia do not completely understand.
The CHC is a ‘package of care provided by the NHS for adults with long-term health’ needs such as dementia, but not everyone suffering from these complex illnesses are eligible for care on the NHS.
Dementia UK are asking for an improved and revised CHC system which allows families to spend more time with their loved one than in the process.
“Dementia may be a hidden condition, but it is up to assessors to see the humanity behind every decision they are making- the human cost is immeasurable if they do otherwise” says Dr Hilda Hayo, CEO Dementia UK.
You can read the full article here: The human cost of NHS: Continuing healthcare for families with dementia by Dr Hilda Hayo, CEO and Chief Admiral Nurse, Dementia UK.