The Welsh government has announced that there will be an additional £12.5 million in funding to help NHS Wales cope with the extreme pressures over the coming months a Covid cases continue to rise.
The new money will be split between the NHS and the social care sector and will look to assist people in living independently after being discharged from hospital.
Pharmacies will also receive help to ensure they can continue to alleviate some of the strain be keeping people well without them having to visit their GP or the hospital unnecessarily.
According to the Health Minister, Eluned Morgan MS in a press conference announcement, staff absences are at an all-time high with over 10,000 NHS staff, which around 8 percent currently off ill. This is the highest level of staff absences Wales has seen in the NHS since April 2020.
The Health Minister said: “The pressures on the health and social care system remain extremely challenging. We all need to work together to support our health and social care services and help us to help you this winter.
“Simple things like visiting local pharmacies or minor injuries units for advice on minor health concerns, checking symptoms online using the NHS 111 Wales website or getting a Covid vaccine can make a high difference to our NHS and help people look after their health this winter.
“The funding announced today will help tackle the hospital and work force pressures within community services and social care by avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions and supporting people who currently cannot be discharged from hospitals due to insufficient care capacity return home.”
The funding will see all 22 local authorities benefit from a shared £10 million to help in supporting individuals to live independently in their homes. It will also allow for new equipment such as stair lifts, hoists, and flow mattresses to be purchased. This is hoped to free up hospital beds to deal with capacity issues.
A further £2.5 will also be invested into pharmacies to improve patient access to treatment.