latest health care news

Organ Donation Week: Having the conversation

11.09.20: As part of Organ Donation Week, NHE’s Matt Roberts spoke with our Managing Director Roy Rowlands about the importance of raising awareness for the subject and having these conversations; as families, organisations and individuals. ... more >

Grant funding awarded for unique Nurse Innovation Fellow position

11.09.20: Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded a grant from the Burdett Trust for Nursing to fund a unique Nursing Innovation Fellow position. A first role of its kind, the new Nursing Innovation Fellow role has been created... more >

National trial to investigative best treatment for childhood asthma

11.09.20: An innovative new £1.5m national clinical trial looking at finding the best treatment for childhood asthma has been funded by NIHR. Led by researchers from the University of Liverpool and Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trus... more >

New agreement reached to benefit NHS junior doctors

10.09.20: Junior doctors in the NHS will now also be able to undertake their training in independent hospitals after a new agreement was reached between independent healthcare providers and the NHS. A new position statement has been published by the... more >

NHS capability for advanced therapy boosted by further investment

10.09.20: An additional £9.5m funding boost has been awarded by the UK Government into the Advanced Therapy Treatment Centre (ATTC) network. Established in 2018 through funding from UKRI’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, the ATTC netw... more >

Identification of Covid-19 risk groups to help guide treatment

10.09.20: Appropriate treatment pathways for coronavirus patients admitted to hospital are beginning to be refined after research data showed people were able to be divided into four distinct risk groups to better ensure the correct treatment was off... more >

UKRI backs new technology to support ageing with £12m funding

10.09.20: UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has made a commitment to supporting new ways to help people remain independent, active and productive as they age, offering £12m of funding to help encourage and back promising innovations. The govern... more >

NHS England commits £30m to join up HR and staff rostering systems

09.09.20: As NHS England looks to support new ways of working, it has launched a £30m contract tender for HR and staff rostering systems, seeking suppliers to provide software to help join up systems. The framework has been drafted to help supp... more >

Gender equality in NHS leadership requires further progress

09.09.20: New research carried out by the University of Exeter, on behalf of NHS Confederation, has shown that more progress is still needed to achieve gender equality within NHS leadership and ensure women are more fairly represented in senior roles. ... more >

NHS Trust set for big savings in shift to digital patient letters

09.09.20: Up and down the country, NHS trusts are finding new and innovative ways to leverage the power of digital technologies. In Bradford, paper appointment letters are the latest thing to become a relic of the past, as Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS... more >

Sir James Bevan: Investing in nature could save NHS billions annually

08.09.20: As part of a speech at University College London (UCL), Environment Agency Chief Executive Sir James Bevan is set to say universal access to a healthy natural environment could save the NHS billions of pounds a year in treatment costs. Coin... more >

UK must be ‘very cautious’ over rising coronavirus cases

08.09.20: Government ministers and experts have expressed concern over the rising number of coronavirus cases recorded in the UK, calling for the public to “be very cautious”. On Monday, 2,948 new cases were recorded with Housing Sec... more >

Calls for greater access to rapid patient testing for GPs

08.09.20: The Royal College of GPs (RCGP) has stressed the importance of GPs having rapid access to testing results for patients, as newly-released research highlights the role general practice is playing during the coronavirus pandemic. Release... more >

New £47bn construction framework launched for the NHS

07.09.20: Companies are being invited to tender for a new four-year £47bn developer-led framework launched to provide the NHS and public sector with a compliant procurement route to carry out vital expansion plans. Acting on behalf of Cumbria... more >

Genetic studies reveal what influences blood and blood diseases

07.09.20: New research from two large-scale genetic studies have managed to identity most of the genetic variation which influences medically important characteristics of blood cells, significantly increasing our understanding of blood and blood diseases.... more >

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Haseeb Ahmad: ‘We all have a role to play in getting innovations quicker’

Haseeb Ahmad: ‘We all have a role to play in getting innovations quicker’

Haseeb Ahmad, president of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), sits down with National Health Executive as part of our Last Word Q&A series. Would you talk us throu more > more last word articles >

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NHS England dementia director prescribes rugby for mental health and dementia patients

23/09/2019NHS England dementia director prescribes rugby for mental health and dementia patients

Reason to celebrate as NHS says watching rugby can be good for your mental ... more >
Peter Kyle MP: It’s time to say thank you this Public Service Day

21/06/2019Peter Kyle MP: It’s time to say thank you this Public Service Day

Taking time to say thank you is one of the hidden pillars of a society. Bei... more >


Organ Donation Week: Having the conversation

11/09/2020Organ Donation Week: Having the conversation

As part of Organ Donation Week, NHE’s Matt Roberts spoke with our Man... more >

the scalpel's daily blog

Organ Donation Week: Having the conversation

11/09/2020Organ Donation Week: Having the conversation

As part of Organ Donation Week, NHE’s Matt Roberts spoke with our Managing Director Roy Rowlands about the importance of raising awareness for the subject and havin... more >
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